Bollywood beauty Priyanka Chopra, who is presently quite excited with her first upcoming item number Babli Badmash Hai in Shootout at Wadala, has been termed as the biggest don on the sets of Arjun Kapoor-Ranveer Singh starrer Gunday. Though the actors will be playing the mafia-dons in the film, both of them think, "She is the boss of the sets. She is our madam... The biggest Gundi (lady don) on the sets is Priyanka Chopra.”
The director of the film Ali Abbas Zafar has also joined the actors’ pranks, "The first day she came onto the sets, she categorically told us, 'look guys I am 30 films old'. Then Ranveer said he is four and a half film, Arjun said he is two and a half films and I said I am one and a half films." He went on, "So from that statistics you can understand the hierarchy...”
Gunday, which is shot mostly in Kolkata, aims to recreate the unsettled city in 80’ss and to increase the magic of the city a dramatic Durga Puja scene has also been shot under the Howrah Bridge. Produced by Aditya Chopra, the film stars Ranveer Singh and Arjun Kapoor as Bikram and Bala, the biggest and most powerful black marketing mafia-men along with Priyanka Chopra and Irrfan Khan, in other lead roles.
The director of the film Ali Abbas Zafar has also joined the actors’ pranks, "The first day she came onto the sets, she categorically told us, 'look guys I am 30 films old'. Then Ranveer said he is four and a half film, Arjun said he is two and a half films and I said I am one and a half films." He went on, "So from that statistics you can understand the hierarchy...”
Gunday, which is shot mostly in Kolkata, aims to recreate the unsettled city in 80’ss and to increase the magic of the city a dramatic Durga Puja scene has also been shot under the Howrah Bridge. Produced by Aditya Chopra, the film stars Ranveer Singh and Arjun Kapoor as Bikram and Bala, the biggest and most powerful black marketing mafia-men along with Priyanka Chopra and Irrfan Khan, in other lead roles.
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