Singam actress Anushka Shetty has been wrapped up in rumours recently as the media is abuzz with her engagement news. But her friends in the industry have no idea that the 31-year-old actress has got engaged and they have brushed it off as a pure lie. Anushka is presently busy shooting for Irandam Ulagam under the direction of Selvaraghavan.
Irandam Ulagam, which is nearing completion quickly, will portray Anushka as a housewife and a tribal woman opposite Arya who plays the male lead in the film. Harris Jayaraj has been given the job to score the music for the film.
The film has been extensively shot in a magnificent backdrop of Georgia. Ramji is behind the camera and Kola Bhaskar has been doing the task of editing the film, which is slated for a big summer release by PVP. Apart from this film, Anushka has another big title in her line-up which is ready to get released, Singam II opposite Suriya.
Irandam Ulagam, which is nearing completion quickly, will portray Anushka as a housewife and a tribal woman opposite Arya who plays the male lead in the film. Harris Jayaraj has been given the job to score the music for the film.
The film has been extensively shot in a magnificent backdrop of Georgia. Ramji is behind the camera and Kola Bhaskar has been doing the task of editing the film, which is slated for a big summer release by PVP. Apart from this film, Anushka has another big title in her line-up which is ready to get released, Singam II opposite Suriya.
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